The Brony Chat

Friday, June 29, 2012

Mitchell...You're Back!?

What's up everypony!? Your favorite goofball ThePikachu is back!

Forgive Me?

I know I've been gone a while...A long while...I'm sorry guys. It's been a weird month for me. Between my own personal relationships with others and my college necessities, I've had very little free time. However, that's all ending now!...For a couple months. In August, when I head off to college, I do not know if I'll have enough free time to do the blogs...It depends on how my Saturdays will be. At the moment, I do not see much difference to be honest. So...We'll cross that bridge when we come to it!

Conversation Time with Derpy

I've decided to start something now. I'll be having conversations with everyone's favorite Derpy Hooves. I used to do these on the thread, only between Derpy and Derpina. I'm sure I was probably the first to do conversations like these, but I only did them rarely. Anyway, I'll be starting that today!

Mitchell: "So Derpy, how are you today?"

Derpy: "I'm great Mitchell! But um...I'm confused. What's a goofball?"

Mitchell: "A what?"

Derpy: "A goofball. You called yourself a goofball. What is it?"

Mitchell: "Oh. A goofball is a naive, silly, or stupid person...Or pony."

Derpy: "Why would you call yourself that?"

Mitchell: "Well...A good friend called me that."

Derpy: "Why would a good friend insult you? That's not very friendly."

Mitchell: "It's...It's not really an insult...It was a uh...Term of endearment."

Derpy: "But it's an insult. That's not nice."

Mitchell: "Well it was a joke. It was in a playful way. Uh...Let's just talk about something else."

Derpy: "Okay. Did your college have muffins?"

Mitchell: "The funny thing is, it actually did. I grabbed one and ate it. I was laughing to myself over it."

Derpy: "That's awesome! Actually...I want some muffins...I'm gonna go make some now!"

Derpy can be so funny at times.

Suggestions, Comments, Questions?

I've been getting some great suggestions from a couple of my CMC Bloggers, that's fantastic! However, I need more things that I can do in the blog posts. So, I need any suggestions or comments that you guys would want or like to make. Below, leave a comment either telling me how to do things better or suggesting new things to do.

While on that, I've decided that I'll answer any questions you guys ask me. If you have anything you want to ask, ask below! You can post anonymously, so if you have a question you'll be embarrassed to ask, post anonymously and I'll answer it. The answers will be posted in the next blog post.

Bye guys! See you next Saturday!


  1. How did you find about this whole fandom?

  2. Does Derpy like video games?

  3. Do you think mary kay is having another baby
