The Brony Chat

Saturday, May 12, 2012

What a Shocker

What's up everypony!? ThePikachu is back with another post!

What Do I Do?

So guys, ThePikachu here. I have literally no idea what I'm going to do on here for the rest of the wait to season 3. I've basically been BSing my way through these posts waiting for SOMETHING to happen, yet nothing really has. Other than Derpy's Diary, I have really nothing to post here...So I thought why not post something related to my life? No one wants to read about me, but hey, you guys aren't giving me anything else to do, so you'll just have to suffer through it.

The Life of a Electrifying Brony

And so here it is, the first segment of my own life, my own thoughts, my own beliefs, unless you count Rage Post 1. In which case, this would be number 2. Now, where to begin...

My name is Mitchell, but most know me as ThePikachu or FictionxXx (which I pronounce Triple X but others just say x x x, which is fine). I have a few friends that are hilarious to be around. One of them is indeed a brony, the other two are neutral towards it. Now, these are my friends that I hang out with. I have quite a number of friends that I don't hang out with.

I love writing. I don't know why I started loving it. I just did. I wish I were good at it. Now don't you all start going "but you are!" I'm an amateur at best. I make many spelling and grammar mistakes, and to top it off I lack character development in anything I've written, causing most stories to be ridiculously short. Looking at my stories from a professional standpoint, they suck. But I'm not writing professionally so I really don't care.

Let's see...There's not really much to me. I'm usually straightforward with my feelings, ask anything really and I can answer it honestly. Though, ask me something stupid and you'll get a stupid answer back.

Derpy's Diary Log 5

Hey...Mitchell here. I'm concluding Derpy's Diary today...Here's what we found at the Ponyverse Research Lab and I'll fill you in on a few things that happened afterwards.

"They didn't send me home. They aren't even trying. They are using me as some sideshow gimmick. The scientists just watch me through the glass. I see these horrible people pass through, pointing and laughing. They kept saying things like 'Oops, my bad!' and 'I just don't know what went wrong!' I think they were mocking me. I got angry and kicked at the glass, scaring some of the people and making them fall backwards. It made me feel a bit better seeing them fall over themselves. The glass didn't break at all somehow. I moved over to the farthest corner and sat, looking away from them.

The scientists made the people eventually go home. I heard them saying things like 'adversely reacted' or 'reacted badly' and even heard 'no memory of events.' I don't know what they are talking about...Maybe when I accidentally destroyed the town hall before Applejack left to do the rodeo, but I'm not sure. Oh, the scientist next to me just wrote down that I did have memory on this notepad...And there he goes with it. Another scientist is typing this for me now. It's getting late. I still don't like it here and I don't see them here working late trying to help me, like Mitchell did. I wish he was here. He wouldn't let people laugh at me. He woul"

That's where it cuts off. That's where my brother and I forced ourselves in.

The Ponyverse Research Lab is not government funded...Or funded by anyone smart enough to hire guards. We charged in with baseball bats. My little brother and I smashed some computers on our way through, distracting the researchers. They were all about my age, and some even younger. Whoever set this place up was not smart whatsoever. I'm guessing it was some rich brony who had the money to spare. Either way, we ran in and grabbed Derpy, quickly running out. She was overjoyed to see us there and came with us instantly. We ran out back through the front door. There was little opposition. That explains why they had to use knockout gas on us, they didn't have the physical strength to beat me up and I guess they didn't want to bully my thirteen-year-old brother. We ran fast. They started sending cars after us. We never heard a gunshot, I guess they didn't want the police on their case. We ran into the woods and hid among the trees. I started laughing. I looked at Derpy and she looked up at me smiling. She said "I knew you'd come help me." I went to put my arms around her and...She vanished. I don't know what happened...I saw a bright purple light, heard a voice, and she was gone. There's no way for me to track her and...I'll miss her...

"Derpy, are you okay?" Twilight stood over Derpy, looking down at her. "Hello?"
Derpy sat up and looked at Twilight. "Where...What happened? My head hurts."
Twilight sighed in relief. "Oh, good. You're fine then. You accidentally supercharged one of my teleport spells and ended up going somewhere far away! I'm guessing a whole different universe, though is that even possible? I don't know but I was able to pull you back through using the same spell, backwards of course, and making Rainbow Dash jump on that cloud over there!" She pointed her hoof to a dark grey cloud with Rainbow Dash on top. Rainbow's mane was frizzled and standing up. She glared at Twilight. "Never! Again!"
Twilight smiled. "So, Derpy, where did you go? What were you doing? What was there?"
Derpy shook her head. "I...I don't remember...It's all a blur..."
Twilight looked down. "Oh. Well, at least you're home safe and sound! I've got a lot to report to Princess Celestia about this! Spike!" Twilight walked off with Spike following, Spike quickly writing down what Twilight was saying. Derpy smiled and stood up, looking back up at the cloud Rainbow Dash had been on. Apparently, she had flown away. Derpy flew up to the cloud and hugged it, closing her eyes. "Bye, Mitchell..."

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