The Brony Chat

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Who Ate The Cake!?

What's up everypony!? ThePikachu is back with another post!

MMMystery on the Friendship Express!

"Hey there Mitchell! Can I help?"
Why of course Derpy! Let's get started. Today's episode, I thought, was really fantastic. The suspense, the drama, the references! They all came together to make a marvelous episode. Wouldn't you agree, Detective Derpy? "Yep Mitchell! The episode was really really good! Who would have thought that the pony to have eaten the cake was actually-" Ah, yes Derpy let's not spoil it too much. "Oh, right! Well, the detective investigation was really good! I enjoyed the lesson at the end too! Never just assume and jump to conclusions, because falsely accusing somepony can be bad, right?" Yes, Derpy. Jumping to conclusions can seriously hurt yourself and others, as well as your friendships. Eveypony needs to know that, while your conclusions may be correct, it is better to get the facts first than to possibly hurt someone. "Yeah! I especially liked all the references that little girls wouldn't get!" Indeed, Derpy. I particularly enjoyed the James Bond reference with Donut Joe, who surprisingly made a return this episode. "Yep! So Mitchell, what's going on with your writing?"

Sally Hooves Returns!

"Really?! You're writing the fan fiction again?" Yes, Derpy. I've written chapter 3 of Sally Hooves, "The Amulet." But it is really short because I did not have much to go off of. So, I am going to release this one shorter than normal and make the next one longer than normal. "That's good. I have a hard time reading sometimes. With my eyes and all." Yes, Derpy, I know. Incidentally, I am also continuing Pyyro's story, which I still haven't thought a name for yet. I find a lot of enjoyment writing about people over ponies. "Aw..." That is to say, I won't stop writing ponies, but I'll just not enjoy it as much as writing about people and other magical creatures. Oh, where did I leave that blasted link... "Here it is! I remembered you put it on top of the fridge when you were getting the milk to make muffins. Let me just stick it here. There we go!" Oh, thanks Derpy.

Two Episodes Left

"Is that true Mitchell? What's gonna happen to the blog?" Well...I don't know Derpy. Without episodes to keep track of, I pretty much lost all my posts. "The last two episodes are on the same day, too." I know...There's only one more blog post of Season 2, and that post will cover both parts of the wedding episode. "Then what?" Then we watch our bloggers blossom I guess. There's not much left for me to do once the episode part is gone. "What about me?" You'll always be with me, Derpy. Don't worry. "But...The blog..." Yes, I know. I'm sure my bloggers will think of something for me to do while I am waiting for Season 3. If not, I'll just close the blog down. "But it's getting so much more popular!" Yes, but that's only because of the chat. No one really pays attention to the posts. "Oh...Okay..." Hey, Derpy it is okay. We'll think of something, I'm sure of it.

The blog is about to hit a tough spot guys. Derpy is sad. We need to think of other things to cover, speak up and let your voice be heard, or we may end up closing the blog altogether.


  1. Well I hope we make it through the "tough spot" and we continue to grow in popularity. I aslo hope your fanfiction turns out great! ^_^

