The Brony Chat

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Time Travel's a Bitch

What's up everypony!? ThePikachu is back with another post!

It's About Time!

I wonder if the creators of MLP:FiM realized they would have an audience that would know about time travel? In the newest episode, "It's About Time", we get to see some time-traveling fun as Twilight gets a warning from Twilight! Her future self returned from the future to warn her past self of a horrible crisis! What crisis, you ask? Well, what could possibly be a crisis for our studious, schedule-stickler Twilight Sparkle? 
She went back in time to warn Twilight, but of course past Twilight, being the studious, question asking girl she is, made Future Twilight waste all her time trying to get her message across. Past Twilight ends up not knowing what Future Twilight was trying to tell her! Past Twilight begins to freak out, not to the extent of Lesson Zero, but freak out nonetheless. She goes through a wide variety of tasks and such, each one ending with her becoming more like Future Twilight. Eventually, she finds herself looking exactly like Future Twilight, and the fated day arrives, and behold! Nothing happens! Twilight finally realizes that she had nothing to worry about. However, Pinkie Pie finds a spell allowing Twilight to go back in time, only once and only for a few moments, and Twilight gets a wild idea. She decides to go back in time and warn herself not to worry! She goes back in time to talk to herself, but unfortunately, Past Twilight doesn't listen and constantly asks questions, causing Present Twilight to run out of time and return to the present. Twilight sighs and says that Past Twilight will run rampant for a week with worry, but Pinkie Pie reminds her that that is now Past Twilight's problem, and not hers.

All-in-all, a fantastic episode. It brings us to the complicated concept of time-travel and the inevitable loop paradox that happens because of it. This episode was definitely NOT written for little girls, but for the older, more mature, and more time-travel informed audience that the Bronies are. The writers remembered that they had to make the Twilight at the end of the episode go back to the Twilight at the beginning of the episode to cause the episode to happen, and, although this was predictable, it had to be done, and it definitely added to the episode's fantastic story. The lesson that Twilight learned here was to not worry so much about the future. You need to live your life by the day, not by the year, and that is a lesson many of us need to learn.

Now, one thing I've seen since the episode is people saying it is predictable. Well, guys, what did you expect? It was a time travel episode for goodness sake! When you, from the future, goes back to tell yourself not to do something in the past, you eventually must do the same! It is one of the time travel theories. So, when you guys go "the episode was bad because it was predictable," remember one thing: It is time travel in a children's cartoon. Stop expecting the dang butterfly effect.

The Beginning of a New Promotion Era

I have decided, as well as the CMC Bloggers, to allow our friend TheLeftHand to promote the blog in his promotions if he so wishes. By doing this, I have opened the doors to the blog a bit wider. Although we have the nine CMC Bloggers, many others may wish to read these posts and chat with us. However, I am still searching for a new chat group. Until then, the Steam group chat will always be up and running. Ask any of the CMC Bloggers if you wish to enter the Steam chat, and remember to join TheBronyWay Steam group for quick access to the chat and possible future events.

After checking the blog stats, most of our pageviews are from people randomly looking up images for different ponies, such as Fluttershy or Derpy. Although this is good for publicity, no one is actually reading the posts, making most of these views lies. We need to get more people reading and pitching in ideas to make you have a better blogging experience, so please, give me any ideas in the comments below.

Sally Hooves
Sally Hooves' adventure has not been updated recently. I may get to working on it tomorrow, since I am now on Spring Break. I am sorry for the delay, I am not a great writer and it takes me longer to write than it does others. But I promise you, my fan fic shall be updated and it will always be worth the read.


Farewell for now, my bronies. Remember to leave any and ALL information or ideas you have in the comments below, or on my FJ profile. I need ideas for the blog after Season 2 has ended. Bye!

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