The Brony Chat

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Friend or a Smile?

What's up everypony? ThePikachu is back once again.

A Friend Indeed

One must always remember to smile. A smile can brighten anyone's day, and no one knows this better than our beloved Pinkamena Diane Pie, or Pinkie Pie for short.
This episode was amazing. I loved the song, and since I was one of the few who did not listen to the leaked version, it was all the more amazing. 
Poor Cranky Doodle Donkey. He just wanted to be left alone, but Pinkie Pie wouldn't allow that! This episode revolves around Pinkie Pie trying to befriend Cranky, who is an older donkey with a hairpiece...Or is it called a manepiece? Whatever it is called, he has it! After many screw ups when trying to do the right thing, Pinkie finally befriends Cranky when she reunites him with his old love. Pinkie learns that there are a variety of friends, some like to run around and party while others like to just sit around and talk, a very important lesson to learn if you are going to have a variety of friends.

Sally Hooves

I have finished writing chapter 1 of my newest fan fiction! Now you guys can read it yourselves here.  It isn't good, in fact it is shitty and cliche, but I don't care. Read it til your heart is content.

Blog Closing

The blog is closing after the last episode of season 2. This is not open for discussion, nor will I change my mind without a drastic reasoning. If you wish to follow the blog to its new home, talk to Ulostdagame, Lolerinc, LordHeckler, Trollando, SAS, XAssassin, or Jjacoby, because I am officially retiring from ponies due to the change in Derpy. They have edited the one episode where Derpy spoke, changing her voice and taking out her name. As promised, I will be leaving ponies because of the change. I apologize our time was so short, but I cannot be fans of a company that does not care enough about their fans to do proper research. This is also not open for discussion.



  1. Okay... forever trollando

  2. You do realize the Derpy alteration was on iTunes only because Apple is full of tossers right? Hasbro had nothing to do with it.
