The Brony Chat

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cider All Around!

What's up everypony!? ThePikachu is back!

Poor poor Derpy, she wasn't able to get any cider from Applejack last cider season. Luckily enough, this season plenty was made. The new episode, the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, involved a fierce competition between the Apples, Big Mac, Applejack, Applebloom, and Granny Smith, and the Flim Flam brothers, each wanting to have all the apple cider business. When the ponies went to get their cider (Pinkie Pie buying like ten cups all at once) the Apples ran out of cider for the day. Rainbow Dash grew angry, wondering why they couldn't make enough cider. Applejack explained that the cider must be carefully made with love. Rainbow Dash and many of the other ponies who did not get their cider grew outraged, and that's when the Flim Flam brothers showed up in their machine, the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, instantly starting a musical number with the Flim Flam brothers and every now and then the Apples chiming in. The Flim Flam brothers offered the Apples a deal, if they could use their apples, they'd give the Apples about 3 percent (check me on that) of the total profits, leaving the Flim Flam brothers to get 97% of the total profits. Of course, Applejack instantly declined, and the challenge began.

Applejack and the Flim Flam's have a cider-making contest. Whoever can make the most cider wins. At stake, Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack, Applebloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith all work as hard as they can to make their cider, but for every barrel they made, the Flim Flam brothers produced 3. Twilight, standing at the side, grew worried. She grabbed the other four of her friends and brought them to the judge, Mayor Mare, and asked her if honorary family members could help. The mayor asked the Flim Flam brothers, whose overconfidence let Twilight and friends help out the Apples. With the help of the rest of the mane six, the Apples side started to make 5 for every 3 the Flim Flam's made. The Flim Flam's grew worried, and doubled the power of the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. The machine started to make a ton of cider, but the Flim Flam's turned off the Bad Apple dropper, causing not only bad apples, but twigs and leaves and even entire trees into their cider. The contest ended, and the Apples fell to their backs from exhaustion. Mayor Mare went to judge who won, and the Flim Flam brothers won by many barrels. The Flim Flam brothers smiled and Rainbow Dash went to smash their faces in, but Applejack stopped her, saying that the brothers won fair and square. Applejack looked at the ponies and told them to go ahead and drink the Flim Flam's cider, tears forming in her eyes as she turned away. However, to the Flim Flam's dismay, the ponies hated their cider, mostly because they had allowed twigs and dirt and leaves to get into the barrels they made. The Flim Flam's fled to the next town, obviously going to try to sell their cider elsewhere.

This episode had a very interesting letter to Celestia. Applejack wrote this one, and in this one she talked about the lesson she learned...Or rather the one she WOULD have learned. You see, Applejack's letter went like this: "Dear Princess Celestia, I wanted to share my thoughts with you... *ahem* I didn't learn anything! Ha, I was right all along! If you take yer time to do things the right way, yer work'll speak fer itself. Sure, I could tell you I learned somethin' about how my friends are always there ta help me, and I can count on them no matter what, but, truth is, I knew that already too." That Applejack. Most entertaining part of the episode for me. I still wonder what Celestia thought of that letter...

Wait a moment! My friends, I have discovered something shocking! The word "flim-flam" is an actual word! Here is its meaning!
1. Nonsense; humbug.2. A deception; a swindle.
How blasphemous!
Farewell everypony! I will see you next time!

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