The Brony Chat

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Apples and Cake

Oh what fun! Cupcake and Carrot Cake had twin babies!! Time for a party!!

But before that, Granny Smith decided to go to Family Appreciation Day at the school! Applebloom was mighty embarrassed by her grandmother, who was always doing fairly odd things. Such as talking to jars, or painting pink polka-dots on the walls, or dressing up as a bunny and hopping over watering cans and singing...Anyway, Applebloom and the CMC try to somehow stop Granny Smith from coming to their school because Applejack and Big Mac had to harvest the zap apples from the trees before they all vanished. However, in the end we learn that because of Granny Smith and her family, Ponyville was founded.  Applebloom, along with the rest of her class, found a new respect for Granny Smith and her ways.

Baby Pound Cake and baby Pumpkin Cake were so cute! Pinkie Pie just had loads of fun playing with the two twins! However, the Cakes had become behind on their work, so they needed to find a baby sitter for their adorable twins. Not trusting Pinkie Pie's amount of responsibility, they immediately turn to Fluttershy, who politely declines, saying she had promised to take Angel on a picnic. But as the Cakes left, she grew worried that her decision would make the Cakes hate her, and she yelled after them hoping their opinion of her hadn't changed for the worse. Next they go to Twilight, who had to write a summary of all the reports she had sent Celestia. Then they decided to try Applejack, but a swarm of hungry-as-hell caterpillars were trying to eat all the apples, so she had to pick them all. Then they decide to go to Rainbow Dash (don't know why they went to her before Rarity) but Rainbow Dash had gotten tickets to a Wonderbolts thing, so she had to go to that. Rarity had nothing to do, but she did not want to babysit, so she just said no.
Reluctantly, they allow Pinkie Pie to babysit the two twins. After a lot of random things happening, Pinkie Pie starts to realize she may be in over her head. She finally tries to change the twins' diapers when she somehow ends up putting the diapers on her head and flank. Then Twilight knocks on the door, and Pinkie Pie smiles, finally getting some help. Twilight had finished her report early, so she went to go help Pinkie Pie, but after a poor choice of words, Pinkie Pie feels insulted, and kicks Twilight out to continue to take care of the twins on her own (though right after doing this, she realizes she should have just let Twilight help.) After more shenanigans, she finally gets the twins to go to sleep for the night. Afterwards she tidies up, and the Cakes return home, incredibly surprised to see everything is fine. They apologize to Pinkie Pie about doubting her abilities at the beginning of the show, and ask Pinkie if she wants to be their go-to babysitter. Extremely reluctant at first, even saying she was never free, she looks at the twins' faces again and sighs, saying that she'd be free next Tuesday. 

All-in-all, two wonderful episodes, each with a great lesson in life. I cannot wait to see next week's episode.

Only problem is, WHERE is the Fluttershy episode?! Everypony else has had at least 1 episode, Rainbow Dash has had a bunch, but there's not been a single Fluttershy episode yet. Really guys? REALLY!? Come on now, Hasbro. According to Wikipedia, none of the announced episodes are Fluttershy specific. In fact, there's another RAINBOW DASH episode coming up. Hasbro, what are you trying to do? Fluttershy was the most popular according to many different polls made. Yet, you've made NO Fluttershy episodes. Just Applejack, Rarity, CMC, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and ONE Pinkie Pie. Come on!

I guess I should not be surprised. Fluttershy must be a bit more difficult to write for. Must be easy to write the episodes for the egotistical (Rainbow Dash) and the kids (CMC) but really guys, I'm about to go up there and take this shit over myself. At least then we'd have episodes the bloody fans wanted, and not a complete lack of the best shy pony on the show. But I digress, rant over.

As for my fan fic...

I...MAY have not been working on it...Eheh. It is somewhat difficult to write for you guys. Not to mention the fact that my writing itself is severely flawed (lack of proper details, using the same words over and over.) It's all so difficult and nervewracking. I'd love to be a writer, but I am horrible at details. Just awful. Can't think of words to describe different things, such as color, for instance. So, I apologize for the lack of fan fic updates.

Ta-ta for now, my bronies! ThePikachu is out! Peace!

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