The Brony Chat

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Spike's Growth

What's up everypony!? ThePikachu is back with another post!
Normally, I would start with my review of the new episode. Well, today I am going to start with the issue of Thread Popularity and my opinion on it. Guys, there is a big difference between popularity and worshiping, and I am beginning to think a lot of people's views on Lunabrony are a bit on the latter. What I just saw today was horrifying. Apparently, Datplot said something to Lunabrony. Now, I don't have Lunabrony on my friends list, and I don't have Datplot on my friends list, but whatever was said did not require 3-4 people to make giant-ass posts on the thread on why Datplot should die. Really guys? That was incredibly uncalled for. Maybe if you kept it on one of their profiles, but getting the entire thread entangled on an issue between two bronies is not good, nor is it wise. If things like this keeps up, I'll have to get back my popularity, which I very much know how to do, and I'll start to be the voice of reason on the thread once again, because it looks like we may be needing one very soon.

Now, for my episode review. Spike's growing both in size and in greed. I thought the episode was extremely good. I'm not gonna lie, I thought it was going to be horrible, simply because it was a Spike episode. However, I was quickly proved wrong. They took the issues of greed and generosity and proudly demonstrated one of Christmas' best themes, the theme of giving is greater than receiving. A great episode to show during December if you ask me.

Speaking of asking, I am currently working on chapter 6 as I type this. This one will take a while to post, similar to all of them anyway.

I don't know why I gave my opinion and beliefs on Thread Popularity, when the only people who read this are the people from the earlier threads who already know of my old popularity and still view me as such, but whatever. Peace everypony!

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