The Brony Chat

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Fire of Friendship

Hello everypony! ThePikachu is here again!

Greetings on this Hearth's Warming Eve! Those blasted stuck-up Unicorns are at it again, pushing us righteous Pegasi out of our lands! Who are they, with their evil magic, to tell us noble Pegasi what to do? They can go rot for all I care!

Just kidding. Though if I did have to pick a favorite pony race, it would be the Pegasi. How awesome would it be to fly and sleep on clouds? Not to mention my two favorite ponies, Fluttershy and Derpy, are both Pegasi. Anyway, the episode today was, of course, the Christmas special Hearth's Warming Eve. This was the story of the founding of Equestria. Now I really liked this episode, especially since Fluttershy was one of the three sensible ones. The one thing I loved was at the beginning when Derpy waved to me from behind the curtain! Yes...She waved to ME! THAT WAS PURPOSELY FOR ME AND NO ONE ELSE! IF YOU DOUBT THIS ASK HER YOURSELF!...Anyway, a pony then made her sad after she waved, and he received all the hate it is possible for me to carry (which isn't a lot anyway.) Well, there was one thing I was a tad annoyed about. In the reenactment, there were Wendigos that were the cause of a great blizzard. Now, the fact that annoyed me was that Wendigos do not grow due to hate, but instead are spirits of those who had a craving for human flesh, or spirits who possess people to give them a craving for human flesh, so basically cannibalistic spirits. They should have gone more along the lines of a poltergeist, which grows off of negative emotions, which, oddly enough, hate is. Though because it is a kids show, I understand why they left out the cannibalistic aspect of it.

There's your little supernatural fact of the day. Tell me if you want me to give small descriptions of other supernatural or fantasy creatures, it's a little hobby of mine to know all I can about different creatures and beings.

Now I'm currently writing the latest chapter in my fan fiction. It will NOT be a Derpy or Mane 6 chapter. It is a Bane/Shifter chapter. So it will be a more informative/serious chapter, with possibly a tad bit of dark humor. I warn you, my writing is still horrible, so if you see a horrible joke or cheesy/obvious outcome, sorry.

That's it for now, farewell everypony, and may the Fire of Friendship keep you safe this holiday season!

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