The Brony Chat

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Post 19, Waiting Sucks

Hello everypony! ThePikachu is back with post 19!

Now, I've been getting lazy with these posts. There's just not much to post about. It's been almost a week since my last post. Now, I hate waiting sometimes, and apparently the new episode won't be until November 5th, a week away from tomorrow. That is really irritating to me, especially because it is a Sweetie Belle/Rarity episode. However, it does not appear that a Fluttershy episode is coming anytime soon, so I must wait even longer. At least I'll be able to play Spot the Derpy.

Now, I am still working on Chapter 3 of my fan fiction. I had to change some things around due to a certain realization that came to me last Saturday. Since then, I've been making small changes through the chapter. I hope to have it out tomorrow, if I don't get too lazy. I tend to do that a lot.

There is not much to say today. Let's see...The Pony Thread was renewed! Admin created a Pony Thread 13 with Scootaloo as the pony in the picture. He has also established a set of rules, but those needn't be said. I would like to announce a special...Game that's going on.

We all know the races right? Well Sirizenhime and I started this Vinyl vs Derpy type thing, simply to make it more fun for the two of us. Well, somehow it broke into two teams. The CMC Bloggers here are racing for Derpy Hooves, so lend us a hand whenever you want!

Peace everypony! ThePikachu out!

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