The Brony Chat

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Adventurous Daring Doo!

What's up everypony!? ThePikachu is back with another post!
Books! Everypony loves to read a good story once in a while, right? Well, all except for Rainbow Dash who couldn't trouble herself with anything that required staying in one place or thinking hard.

That was, until she crash landed on her wing. Bed-ridden in the hospital, she complains about having to stay off her wing. Her friends try to cheer her up, but Rainbow Dash just won't listen. Twilight pulls out a book, the first in the epic Daring Doo series, and asks Rainbow Dash to read it.

There is not much to this episode. It switches between Rainbow Dash reading(and trying to hide it from her friends) to the amazing adventure of Daring Doo, who also has an injured wing. As Daring Doo's adventure unfolds, similarities between Daring Doo's adventure and Rainbow Dash's adventure to steal the book from the hospital after being released unfolds. All-in-all, it was a good episode, though not one of the best in my opinion.

Since this is such a short post, I've decided to post a small story I wrote a long time ago that Daring Doo reminded me of.

Ditzy quickly flew down the corridor. The object was quickly becoming larger as her eyes focused on the prize, the rare Oatmeal Muffin. She quickly spiraled out of the way as a spear flew past her head. Down below her, many unicorn ponies were levitating spears and tossing them at her. She smiled, spinning through the air, knocking away spears as she closed in on her target. The ceiling began to cave in. She glanced at a couple unicorn ponies crumbling the ceiling behind her, hoping to trap her in the ruins forever. She had to act fast. She elegantly grabbed a spear with her mouth, spun around three times, and used the momentum from the spin to launch the spear behind her, crashing the handle of the spear into the unicorn's face, causing the spear to spin and hit the other unicorn. The two collapsed on the spot as Ditzy reached out her hooves to scoop up her muffin. She grabbed her delicious snack and once flew at an upward angle, glancing at a small hole in the roof of the ruins. She burst through the top, climbing high into the sky before launching herself towards home. 

Derpy: "And then, just before she got home, Derpy swished to the side, delivering the package she needed to deliver before nighttime!" 
RBD: "Come on, Ditzy. The story was cool and all, but why do all your stories have to end with Derpy delivering mail to somepony?" 
Derpy: "Because mailmares are cool! I wish I could be a mailmare someday." 
RBD: "Well, you do that, I'm going to join the Wonderbolts!" 
Fluttershy: "That story was wonderful, Ditzy. Can I tell one next?" 
Ditzy: "Sure Fluttershy!"

And there you go! See y'all next week! Peace!

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